Meet the Agent: Merritt Anderson Crawley

We’re proud of the team of agents we’ve assembled here at Nest Realty. We think they’re pretty awesome, and we think you will too. During our “Meet the Agent” series, we sit down with our agents to learn more about them, what makes them tick, and why they’re passionate about the real estate industry. In this installment, we chat with Merritt Anderson Crawley, a Broker with Nest Realty in Wilmington, North Carolina.

Nest Realty: Tell us a bit about yourself! What brought you to Wilmington?
Merritt Anderson Crawley: I moved to Wilmington in 2014 to be close to the coast and my husband. He was living here at the time and I wanted us to be in the same town, so I decided why not? I packed my life up and headed to our beautiful coastal town and it was hands down one of the best decisions of my life!

NR: How did you get into real estate?
MAC: Honestly, I always loved looking at homes growing up and thought it would be a fun career! My mom actually was the one who encouraged me to take my pre-licensing class, and I signed up that next day. I never looked back and here I am five years later, loving every second of my career!

NR: What was your previous career? How has that prepared you for real estate?
MAC: I worked in multiple jobs prior to getting into real estate. I actually ran a popular bar before moving to Wilmington and I did a lot of marketing for them, as well as a few retail stores. I definitely have seen the power of social media and how it can work to bring in clients and make online sales. It went hand in hand with real estate because it truly is all about marketing yourself and making connections with people!

NR: What led you to Nest Realty, as opposed to another brokerage?
MAC: I love their creative marketing, it’s so fresh! Nest is also ALL about the service they provide and if you’ve worked with me, you know I strive for the best experience for each of my clients.

NR: What is your favorite part of being an agent?
MAC: Helping my clients! I work with a lot of first-time home buyers and the most rewarding part of my job is seeing the excitement they have knowing they are finding their home sweet home! Helping families settle down and start a new adventure and getting to be a part of it makes it work every second.

NR: Do you have a specific area of expertise to offer clients?
MAC: I work with a lot of people relocating to our beautiful town. I’m also well versed in VA loans and working with veterans; they hold a special place in my heart as my husband is a veteran!

NR: What makes you different from other agents? What sets you apart?
MAC: I truly care about my clients—I try to really listen and understand their wants and needs in a home. I just want the best for each and every one of them!

NR: What are five adjectives that describe you?
MAC: Outgoing, punctual, blunt, fun, and caring.

NR: Who would be your dream client?
MAC: Post Malone…hands down—I will totally be your Realtor!

NR: If you had one piece of advice for a first-time home buyer, what would it be?
MAC: Use a agent! It’s free to you and will benefit you! We are here to help 🙂

NR: What is your favorite season in Wilmington?
MAC: I love Fall! We still have days that are warmer, but my favorite part is how it is just so calm after the tourists leave and we get our piece of paradise to ourselves again for a few months!

Merritt is a Broker with Nest Realty Wilmington. She loves giving her clients the best home buying and selling experience possible. To learn more about Merritt, visit her agent page.

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