Meet the Agent: Lisa Gaye Collins

Agent: Lisa Gaye Collins Nest Realty

We’re proud of the team of agents we’ve assembled here at Nest Realty. We think they’re pretty awesome, and we think you will too. During our “Meet the Agent” series, we sit down with our agents to learn more about them, what makes them tick, and why they’re passionate about the real estate industry. In this installment, we chat with Lisa Gaye Collins, a Realtor® at Nest Realty New River Valley.

Nest Realty: Tell us a bit about yourself! Where are you from? What brought you to the New River Valley?
Lisa Gaye Collins: Proudly born in West Virginia, all of my family still lives near our farm. I attended college in North Carolina and Texas. With an accounting background, I worked in law enforcement for a while, and switched to banking in the early 90’s. Then in 2001, I jumped into real estate and have continued this joyful bounce!!

NR: How did you get into real estate?
LG: While processing loans and handling all the banking ends of the process, I decided to leave a salary job and be self employed. One of my dearest appraiser encouraged me to make the change.

NR: What was your previous career? How has that prepared you for real estate?
LG: Law Enforcement and Mortgage Banking. I loved working with our team of appraisers, closing attorneys, and builders. I had the privilege of building a home and fell in love with the process of buying land and designing a home. I was always hands-on with remodeling and building. I acquired my first investment property after three years in real estate, and fully remodeled the complex with my construction crew. It was a blessing and served me nicely for eight years, and I jumped into other projects.

NR: What led you to Nest Realty, as opposed to another brokerage?
LG: When it comes to real estate, they don’t cut corners. They have big hearts and I follow my heart. I worked with another major franchise for 16 years, but felt they were too old-school and lost the edge that our new world of real estate so deeply needed. When a brokerage is more about the numbers than the people, then it’s broken, and won’t see the need to improve. I have never been about the numbers, as I love serving a community of others. Isn’t that what life is about, acts of service?

NR: What is your favorite part of being an agent?
LG: Being able to bring that smile of happiness to all the faces in the transaction. Our job is stressful and everyone forgets that. The relocating, the searching, the paperwork, and the problems that can just bring someone down. But, when you get your client there and they are happy—that is the moment, a pure joyful smile. No words needed, just that smile!

NR: Do you have a specific area of expertise to offer clients?
LG: I love houses! I enjoy remodeling and staging a house to highlight its full potential. There are so many paths to walk to a house, but one road will make it a real home. Whether is is remodeling or finding the right package with a lender to make your dream home happen.

NR: What makes you different from other agents? What sets you apart?
LG: I truly do not push, as I believe long relationships require lots of work and our houses are the most important asset we can be blessed with. So, I don’t like to rush. I give loyalty and that is something we all need more of from our community, other agents, buyers and the sellers. Basically, respect to all will grow loyalty and friendships.

NR: What are five adjectives that describe you?
LG: Compassionate, considerate, courageous, adventurous, and adaptable.

NR: Who would be your dream client?
LG: The mega jackpot winner that wanted to build an animal sanctuary! A no-kill shelter. I love all animals and wish the world would stop “littering.” I’ve had five dogs, all were rescued and currently I am down to just two. I would rescue them all, but I have to work real estate.

NR: If you had one piece of advice for a first-time home buyer, what would it be?
LG: Make your lender your new BFF. Financing and your budget is such an important part of having wonderful memories made in your new home! Nothing is worse than being house poor and not understanding how much time and work a house can take. Let’s face it, we leave all day to work a job to pay for our home, yet spent such a small amount of time in it due to all other activities we have to perform. So, buy wisely and make sure your home will be your place of peace and rest.

NR: What is your favorite season in the New River Valley?
LG: That is tough, as I am a four-season gal! But, my favorite color—FALL!!!!

Lisa Gaye Collins is a Realtor® at Nest Realty New River Valley. Lisa’s commitment to our community and our neighbors shows in her accomplishments with over 16 years of real estate knowledge in VA and WV. To learn more about Lisa, visit her agent page.

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